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“At the Art Studio,” is a workshop series for children and young adults offered by the Art Department at SUNY Oswego. Participants will be instructed by faculty and graduate students from SUNY Oswego’s Art Education and Art Departments. Programming will vary for each age range and session. All sessions end with a display of the work produced and a reception for friends, family, and the general public.

COVID-19 update: Currently all youth programs, activities and camps scheduled at SUNY Oswego are canceled.

We are in the process of developing some online activities or at home activities. Details will be posted soon. 

We are also hoping to have some programming in the summer of 2021 but it is too soon to know what conditions will be like and what type of programming will be safe to run. 

Please check back periodically for details.

To Our ATAS Students: Hope you are doing well and able to keep up your creative activities. We would love to hear from you and see what you are doing. Send us email and photos of you project so we can include them in our website.

Send Imagery and Letter to:

Winter Online Programming

Spring Programming
Exploring Online or At Home Activities. More Info Soon.

Summer Programming

About Our Program:

“At the Art Studio,” is a workshop series for children and young adults offered by the Art Department at SUNY Oswego. Participants will be instructed by faculty and graduate students from SUNY Oswego’s Art Education and Art Departments. Programming will vary for each age range and session. All sessions end with a display of the work produced and a reception for friends, family, and the general public.

Scholarships are available for those with financial need. See our registration page for more information about our upcoming session.

Give the gift of art! Inquire about ATAS Gift Cards or making a donation.

ATAS is made possible by support from the Cornelius & Eleanor Borman Family Foundation, The Ann Carlone Fund, CNY Arts, and the SUNY Oswego Art Department.

Printable Scholarship Form | Printable Registration | Online Registration Form  | Online Scholarship Form