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Our workshops offer students the opportunity to engage in artistic projects and acquire skills to practice creative expression. Students are encouraged to create, to build, to make mistakes, and to search for answers. Students explore various materials and methods used to create visual artwork. Every artist’s work is displayed in an exhibition on the last day of the session.

With programs running all year long, the At the Art Studio workshop series offers unique instruction over the course of multiple sessions. We want to help students explore their interests by providing young artists with skills and resources to focus their creative process, connect with their communities, and develop their own vision.

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Programs within the Art Department at SUNY Oswego are designed to provide authentic, project-based learning and cross-disciplinary opportunities to motivated students. Faculty members are artists and scholars who exhibit or publish regularly.

The Art Department’s mission and curriculum focuses on active creation of visual objects in the studio as well as investigation of their social context and historical meaning, which results in a thorough understanding of the creative process.

In the community and surrounding areas such as Syracuse and Rochester, the department provides public lectures, films, exhibitions, and receptions. On campus, Tyler Art Gallery routinely arranges guided exhibition tours and hosts work by students, faculty, and members of the community.


ATAS is made possible by support from the Cornelius & Eleanor Borman Family Foundation,
The Ann Carlone Fund, and the SUNY Oswego Art Department.

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